Wondering what is going on with Funtown Pier? Well so are we, so we follow this news very closely. So far the fate of the pier is still undetermined. What is the holdup you ask? Well as you could imagine building an amusement pier is extremely expensive. The the owners Belle-Freeman Properties want to spend 20M+ to rebuild the rides in Seaside Park. In order to recoup this investment they must put in large thrill seeking rides that span 300 feet high, which exceed the current 50 foot height limitation.
Many residents of Seaside Park oppose the application for variances claiming that with the rides come to much noise. Yeessss, rides = noise….but rides also = mean tourists come to the town, spend money which enables the town to be cleaner and nicer and taxes stay lower. How could anyone who lives in a tourist area driven by rides complain about such a thing.
In the years post Sandy the south side of the boardwalk remains barren and empty. Temporary shops have been set up, temporary rides came in one year, last year dune buggy rides were available on the beach – none of it a sign of rebuilding that many would like to see. As of early 2016 there are still no definitive plans around this side of the Boardwalk regarding building and rides, but there is currently an application in to at least rebuild the pier itself. Check out the latest article – we will continue to post updates as we hear of them!
Rebuild of Seaside Heights Boardwalk, Pier Area Destroyed in Fire Proposed