Crabbing in Seaside Heights can be an incredibly fun outing to do with the kids and something different to add to your vacation. In an age dominated by screens and indoor activities, this is a great way to get the kids outdoors. To encourage them to appreciate and engage with the natural world. And be responsible for tasks including setting and dropping the traps and keeping the crabs contained once caught.
So Let’s Get Planning!
What Do You Need To Go Crabbing?
- Crab Trap
- Bait
- Measuring Gauge
- Bucket or Cooler
- Gloves
- Rubber Bands
The first think you are going to need are crab pots. These are cages that lure crabs in but make it difficult for them to escape. There are various types, including pyramid traps, box traps, and topless traps, each suitable for different water conditions and user preferences.
Next you will need bait, and some sort of container to store the bait in. Crabs aren’t picky eaters, but they do have favorites. Fish heads, chicken necks, or squid often work best. Fresh bait tends to attract more crabs.
Once you have caught your crabs you are going to need a measuring gauge to figure out how big each crab is. Most states have size regulations for crabs that can be kept. A measuring gauge helps ensure you only keep crabs that meet the legal size requirements. After you have determined it’s ok to keep each crab, you will need a bucket or cooler with ice or water to store them in.
If you are going to take the crabs home to eat, it’s also a good idea to get some gloves to protect your hands from the claws, and rubber bands and a banding tool to keep the claws shut. The bands will keep the crabs safe from each other as well as protect your hands.
Where Can You Go Crabbing in Seaside Heights?
The best spot for crabbing in Seaside Heights is the municipal pier on the Bayside of Seaside. The pier is located right next to Dock Outfitters on Rt 35.
You can also rent a boat, or go to one of two piers in Seaside Park, one located at 5th ave and the other at 14th ave. You can also go a bit further to the Mantoloking Bridge Fishing Pier.
Seaside Heights Boat Rentals
You can rent a boat to go crabbing in Seaside Heights at these locations. Note, that NJ law does now require a boating license to rent a motor boat.
- RJ Watercraft Rental – Bayside Terrace, offers pontoon rentals
- Bills Boat Rentals – Rt 35, offers four and eight person motor boats
- Dock Outfitters – Rt 35, offers 16 foot skiffs and pontoon boats
What Is The Best Time To Go Crabbing?
The best time of year to go crabbing in Seaside Heights is late June through September. This is when the water is warmer which stimulates a crab’s appetite.
The best time of day to go crabbing is early morning or late afternoon, when the day is cooler. If you are able to, some also believe that full and new moons also increase crab activity.
What Is The Best Bait For Crabbing in Seaside Heights?
Chicken necks or fish heads are commonly used as bait for crabbing. Other options include razor clams or bunker.
Chicken necks are used because their tough skin and bones make it hard for crabs to quickly tear them apart.
Fish heads, particularly from oily fish like mackerel, herring, or menhaden, release strong scents that crabs find irresistible. They’re also tough, ensuring they last longer in the water.
Squid is another excellent bait due to its strong smell and rubbery texture, making it difficult for crabs to rip apart.
Bunker is an oily fish that’s considered excellent crab bait. It’s particularly effective for blue crabs, which are they types of crabs you will find in Seaside heights. It emits a strong scent that can attract crabs from a distance.
Where Can You Buy Bait In Seaside?
When you are ready to go crabbing in Seaside Heights you can buy bait at Dock Outfitters. They have frozen fresh and salted clams, fresh and frozen bunker, squid, spearing, fresh bloodworms, live eels and live bunker. You can also get bait at Bills Boat Rentals. Another great option would be to go to the ACME for chicken necks.
In Seaside Park you can get all kinds of lures and other tackle at Grumpys Tackle and atBetty & Nick’s Bait & Tackle.
What Are The Rules For Crabbing in NJ?
When crabbing in Seaside Heights, the rules for recreational blue crabbing are pretty simple. You need to use collapsable pots. You must keep your catch under one bushel per person per day.
The minimum size you can keep for peeler or shedder crabs is 3 inches. This is a blue crab that that are showing signs of shedding. The minimum for soft crabs is 3ยฝ inches, the crabs are soft right after they have shed their shell. The minimum for a hard shell blue crab is 4ยฝ inches. Lastly, all female crabs with eggs attached must be returned to the water immediately.
How Do You Measure A Crab?
To measure a blue crab, put the gauge across the widest part of the crab’s shell, from point to point. Do not include any rear spines or other protrusions. If the crab meets or exceeds the minimum size requirement, it can be kept.
Fishing in Seaside Park & Seaside Heights
Depending on the time of year, you can catch a ton of different types of fish in Seaside. In the spring and fall you will be able to find striped bass. While in the summer, you may be able to catch bluefish, flounder / fluke and kingfish.
Where Can I Fish In Seaside Park?
In Seaside Park you can fish on the beach during non guarded hours. There is also a fishing pier located at both 5th avenue and 14th avenue on the bayside. You can also fish at Island Beach State Park in the non guarded areas.
Where Can I Fish In Seaside Heights?
In Seaside Heights you can fish at the Municipal beach on the bay side near Dock Outfitters. There is also a , on the pier there you can fish on as well.
Beach Fishing in NJ
If you are going to attempt beach fishing in NJ you will be able to catch many different types of fish, but beware, once and a while you may also catch a shark.
The best time to get out and fish on the beach is early morning or before dusk, and try to time this with when low tide is just finishing and high tide is starting to come in. This is also the time of day you are less likely to have swimmers in the water.
Can You Fish On Any Beach in NJ?
Yes, you can fish on any beach in NJ, but there are a couple of things to be aware of. If you are on a public beach, the town may restrict fishing hours to when lifeguards are not on duty. You may also be required to get a beach badge to get on the beach. Lastly, you do not need a license for recreational saltwater fishing.
What Is The Best Bait For Beach Fishing In New Jersey?
The best bait for beach fishing, which is also known as surf fishing is blood worms, clams, shrimp, squid, bunker or regular old artificial lures.
Fresh bait is always better as it releases more oils and sent that attract fish.
Final Thoughts
The simplicity of crabbing makes it accessible to people of all ages and skill levels. It encourages patience, respect for nature, and even teamwork, as participants work together to bait traps, measure their catch, and ensure only the appropriately sized crabs are kept.
So on a not so sunny day, take a break from the beach and go crabbing in Seaside Heights.
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